Rat Control Information Articles

South Australia over worst mouse plague
Garrards Pest Review Vol 16, 2010 South Australia is over the worst of its mouse plague, which was at one stage this year so bad that some farmers decided against growing grain…

Rat Bait will Kill Possums
Peter the Possum Man Newsletter When something goes ‘bump’ in the night in your roof and you suspect rats, it is easy to throw a handful of rat bait up in your roof and hopoe that it solves the problem. Unfortunately, it is not that simple…

ROOF RAT, Rattus rattus
Bell Laboratories The roof rat is one of the three introduced commensal rodents in Australia and is blived to have arrived with the first fleet…

NORWAY RAT, Rattus norvegicuc
Bell Laboratories The Norway/Brown rat is the largest of the commensal rodents in Australia, with its distribution restricted to human costal settlements…

HOUSE MOUSE, Mus musculus
Bell Laboratories The house mouse is the smallest, though most sucessful, commensal rodent in Australia, with a distribution which covers the entire country…